- NASTOS P., A. GODELITSAS, CH. ZARKADAS, K. POTIRIADIS, E. CHATZITHEODORIDIS, A. KARYDAS, (submitted), ?Characterization of Saharan dust in red rain precipitated over Athens city (Greece) on February 24th 2006?.
- CHATZITHEODORIDIS E., HAIGH S., LYON I., (under Review), ?A clay ovoid and secondary phases in the Nakhla meteorite: the potential for life on Mars?.
- GOMOIU I., E. CHATZITHEODORIDIS, S. VADRUCCI, I. WALTHER, (2013), ?The Effect of Microgravity on Growth of Ulocladium chartarum colonies?, PLoS ONE 8(4): e62130. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0062130.
- ATHANASIADOU D., A. GODELITSAS, D. SOKARAS, A.-G. KARYDAS, E. DOTSIKA, C. POTAMITIS, M. ZERVOU, S. XANTHOS, E. CHATZITHEODORIDIS, H.-C. GOOIH, U. BECKER, (2013), ?New insights into the chemical and isotopic composition of human-body biominerals. I: Cholesterol gallstones from England and Greece?, Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology, vol. 27(2), pp. 79-84.
- KOTSIFAKI D.G., M. KANDYLA, I. ZERGIOTI, M. MAKROPOULOU, E. CHATZITHEODORIDIS, A.A. SERAFETINIDES, (2012), ?Optical tweezers with enhanced efficiency based on laser-structured substrates?, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 101, 011102 (2012); DOI: 10.1063/1.4728992.
- LI?O E., V. RAPA, S. DRUSHKU, E. CHATZITHEODORIDIS, (2011), ?Morphological and chemical study of recycled plastic materials by using scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive analysis?, ZA?TITA MATERIJALA (Materials Protection), vol. 52, pp. 231-236.
- LODINS E., I. ROZENSTRAUHA, L. KRAGE, L. LINDINA, M. DRILLE, V. FILIPENKOV, E. CHATZITHEODORIDIS, (2011), ?Characterization of glass-ceramics microstructure, chemical composition and mechanical properties?, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, v. 25, 012015, 10 pages, doi:10.1088/1757-899X/25/1/012015.
- GODELITSAS A., N. STAMATELOS-SAMIOS, M. KOKKORIS, E. CHATZITHEODORIDIS, (2011), ?Lead patination in the atmosphere of Athens, Greece?, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, vol. 269, pp. 3074-3076.
- DRAKAKI E., M. KANDYLA, E. CHATZITHEODORIDIS, I. ZERGIOTTI, A.A. SERAFETINIDES, A. TERLIXI, E. KOULOUMPI, A. MOUTSATSOU, M. DOULGERIDES, V. KANTARELOU, A. KARYDAS, C. VLACHOU-MOGIRE, (2010), ?Laser studies of metallic artworks?, Applied Physics A (Materials Science & Processing), vol. 101(2), pp. 349-355.
- ROZENSTRAUHA Ι., E. LODINS, M. DRILLE, L. KRAGE, V. FILIPENKOV, E. CHATZITHEODORIDIS, (2009), ?Characterization of glass-ceramics containing industrial waste?, Scientific Journal of Riga Technical University, Construction Science, vol. 10(10), ISSN 1407-7329.
- GODELITSAS A., M. KOKKORIS, E. CHATZITHEODORIDIS, P. MISAELIDIS, (2008), ?Spectroscopic characterization of Greek dolomitic marble surface interacted with uranium and thorium in aqueous solutions?, in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, vol. 266(10), pp. 2363-2366.
- CHATZITHEODORIDIS E., I.C. LYON, A. GODELITSAS, M. SAMOUCHOS, A. VGENOPOULOS, (2008), ?TOF-SIMS mass spectrometry: Applications in mineralogy, petrology and cosmochemistry?, Mineral Wealth, no. 146/2008, pp. 37-48.
- SAXTON J.M., I.C. LYON, E. CHATZITHEODORIDIS, G. TURNER, (2000), “Oxygen isotopic composition of carbonate in the Nakhla meteorite: implications for the hydrosphere and atmosphere of Mars”, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, vol. 64, no. 7, pp. 1299-1311.
- KATSARAKIS N, E. CHATZITHEODORIDIS, G. KIRIAKIDIS, M.M. SIGALAS, C.M. SOUKOULIS, W.Y. LEUNG, G. TUTTLE, (1999), “Laser-machined layer-by-layer metallic photonic band-gap structures”, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 74, pp. 3263-3265.
- XIROUCHAKI C., K. MOSCHOVIS, E. CHATZITHEODORIDIS, G. KIRIAKIDIS, H. BOYE, P. MORGEN, (1998), “Structural and chemical characterisation of as-deposited microcrystalline indium oxide films prepared by dc reactive magnetron sputtering”, Journal of Electronic Materials, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 26-34.
- XIROUCHAKI C., K. MOSCHOVIS, E. CHATZITHEODORIDIS, G. KIRIAKIDIS, P. MORGEN, (1998), “Chemical characterisation of as-deposited microcrystalline indium oxide films prepared by reactive dc magnetron sputtering”, Applied Physics A, vol. 67, pp. 295-301.
- MOSCHOVIS K., E. GAGAOUDAKIS, E. CHATZITHEODORIDIS, G. KIRIAKIDIS, S. MAILIS, E. TZAMALI, N.A. VAINOS, H. FRITZSCHE, (1998), “Study of the ambient optical recording dynamics on sputtered indium oxide thin films”, Applied Physics A, vol. 66, pp. 651-654.
- SAXTON J.M., I.C. LYON, E. CHATZITHEODORIDIS, I.K. PERERA, P. VAN LIERDE, P. FREEDMAN, G. TURNER, (1996), “The Manchester Isolab 54 ion microprobe”, International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Processes, vol. 154, pp. 99-131.
- LYON I.C., J.M. SAXTON, P.J. McKEEVER, E. CHATZITHEODORIDIS, P. VAN LIERDE, (1995), “Precision and reproducibility of in situ oxygen isotope ratio measurements on quartz obtained using an Isolab 54 ion microprobe”, International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Processes, vol. 151, pp. 1-16.
- PROFITIS E., D. KAPATOS, E. CHATZITHEODORIDIS, D. XIROUCHAKIS, C. LOUPASAKIS, (2013), ?Digital methods for measuring grain size parameters of aggregate?binder mixtures?, in Proceedings of 13th International Conference of the Geological Society of Greece, September 5-8 2013, Chania, Crete, Greece.
- KILIAS S.P., E. CHATZITHEODORIDIS, I. LYON, (2013), ?Morphological and chemical evidence of ferruginous microbialites in the Quaternary Cape Vani (Fe-Ba-)Mn-oxide deposit, Milos, Greece: implications for biomineralogy?, in Proceedings of 13th International Conference of the Geological Society of Greece, September 5-8 2013, Chania, Crete, Greece.
- LEONTAKIANAKOS G., I. BAZIOTIS, E. PROFITIS, E. CHATZITHEODORIDIS, S. TSIMAS, (2013 ? accepted for publication), ?Assessment of the quality of progressive calcination using Raman and X?Ray diffractometry: Application on Thassos Island`s marbles?, in Proceedings of 13th International Conference of the Geological Society of Greece, September 5-8 2013, Chania, Crete, Greece.
- CHATZITHEODORIDIS E., S. HAIGH, I. LYON, (2013), ?Crystalline clays in an intriguing ovoid structure in Nakhla?, 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2013, paper 2040. http://www.lpi.usra.edu/meetings/lpsc2013/
- PROFITIS E.G., E. CHATZITHEODORIDIS, D. XIROUCHAKIS, (2012), ?Digital methods for flakiness and shape index definition?, in ETNDT5, 5th International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Non-Destructive Testing V, held in Ioannina, Greece, September 19-21, 2011, Paipetis A.S., T.E. Matikas, D.G. Aggelis and D. Van Hemelrijck (eds).
- ROZENSTRAUHA I., E. LODINS, L. KRAGE, V. FILIPENKOV, E. CHATZITHEODORIDIS, I. PUTNA, M. BALODE, (2010), ?Functional properties of glass-ceramics for building applications?, in Advanced Construction, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference, 11-12 November 2010, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania, pp. 141-147, ISSN 2029-1213. (Poster and Paper).
- GOMOIU I., HASEGAN D., VADRUCCI S., NOBMAN P., MOGILDEA D., MOGILDEA M., MOGILDEA G., CHATZITHEODORIDIS E., (2010), ?Preparing CFS-A Experiment for Flight Orbit?, presented in Life in Space for Life on Earth, 13-18 June 2010, Trieste, Italy. Joint meeting of ESA, ISGP, ISSBB and ELGRA.
- GALANOPOULOU S., A. VGENOPOULOS, N. CONISPOLIATIS, S. KALOUDIS AND E. CHATZITHEODORIDIS, (2008), ?An investigation of organic contaminants and their spatial distribution in the surface sediments of Keratsini harbour with the use of Geographic Information Systems?, HAICTA 2008, 4th International Conference on Information & Communication Technologies in Bio & Earth Sciences, September 18-20, 2008, Athens, Greece, in Proceedings pp. 144-149.
- GAMALETSOS P., GODELITSAS A., CHATZITHEODORIDIS E. AND KOSTOPOULOS D., (2007), ?Laser Μ-Raman Investigation of Greek Bauxites from the Parnassos-Ghiona Active Mining Area?, Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece vol. XXXVII, 2007, Proceedings of the 11th International Congress, Athens, Greece, May, 2007.
- BOUDI D., PROPHITIS E., ZACHARIADIS P., KOSTOPOULOS D., BALTATZIS E. AND CHATZITHEODORIDIS E., (2007), ?Petrology, geochemistry and geotectonic setting of the Titaros ophiolite and associated Pelagonian basement rocks in the area NW of mt. Olympos, Greece?, Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece vol. XXXVII, 2007, Proceedings of the 11th International Congress, Athens, Greece, May, 2007.
- POPOVIC G., A. ALMANSA, D. PETROVIC, E. CHATZITHEODORIDIS, F. S?MECZ, H. DETTER, O. DEL MEDICO, W. BRENNER: “Handling and Assembly of Microcomponents”; Talk: SMT/HYBRID/PACKAGING 2002, N?rnberg, Deutschland; 06-18-2002 – 06-20-2002; in: “System Integration in Micro Electronics“, H. Reichl (ed.); VDE Verlag, Berlin (2002), ISBN: 3-8007-2712-9; pp. 127 – 144.
- PETROVIC D., G. POPOVIC G., E. CHATZITHEODORIDIS, O. DEL MEDICO, A. ALMANSA, W. BRENNER, H. DETTER, (2002), ?Gripping Tools for Handling and Assembly of Microcomponents?, 23rd International Conference on Microelectronics, Ni?, Yugoslavia, 12-15 May 2002. Ιn: “23rd International Conference on Microelectronics“, Eigenverlag, Vol. 1 (2002), ISBN: 0-7803-7235-2; pp. 247 – 250.
- POPOVIC G., A. ALMANSA, E. CHATZITHEODORIDIS, D. PETROVIC, O. DEL MEDICO, W. BRENNER, F. S?MECZ, A. VUJANIC, H. DETTER, (2002), ?Handling and Assembly in MST ? Final Results of an European Network?, 23rd International Conference on Microelectronics (MIEL), Ni?, Yugoslavia, 12-15 May 2002. In: “23rd International Conference on Microelectronics“, Eigenverlag, Vol. 1 (2002), ISBN: 0-7803-7235-2; pp. 251 – 254.
- POPOVIC G., A. ALMANSA, D. PETROVIC, E. CHATZITHEODORIDIS, F. S?MECZ, H. DETTER, O. DEL MEDICO, W. BRENNER: “Handling and Assembly of Microcomponents”; Talk: SMT/HYBRID/PACKAGING 2002, N?rnberg, Deutschland; 06-18-2002 – 06-20-2002; in: “System Integration in Micro Electronics“, H. Reichl (ed.); VDE Verlag, Berlin (2002), ISBN: 3-8007-2712-9; pages 127 – 140.
- PETROVIC D., G. POPOVIC, E. CHATZITHEODORIDIS, O. DEL MEDICO, A. ALMANSA, F. S?MECZ, P. HERBST, W. BRENNER, H. DETTER, R. DUFFAIT, (2001) ??EDM-produced Mechanical Grippers for Handling and Assembly in Microtechnology?, Conference 4592 on Devices and Process Technologies for MEMS and Microelectronics II, part of SPIE?s International Symposium on Microelectronics and MEMS, 17-19 December, 2001, Adelaide, Australia. Ιn: “Device and Process Technologies for MEMS and Microelectronics II”, SPIE- The International Society for Optical Engineering, Volume 4592 (2001), ISBN: 0-8194-4322-0; pp. 172 – 182.
- PETROVIC D., G. POPOVIC, E. CHATZITHEODORIDIS, O. DEL MEDICO, A. ALMANSA, H. DETTER, W. BRENNER, (2001), ?Mechanical Gripper System for Handling and Assembly in MEMS?, SPIE 2001 International Symposium on Micromachining and Microfabrication, San Francisco, California USA, 22-25 October 2001. Ιn: “Micromachining and Microfabrication Process Technology VII“, SPIE- The International Society for Optical Engineering, Volume 4557 (2001), ISBN: -0-8194-4285-2; pp. 151 – 156.
- ALMANSA A., E. CHATZITHEODORIDIS, D. PETROVIC, G. POPOVIC, O. DEL MEDICO, H. DETTER, (2001), ?Semiautonomous Station for Handling and Assembly of Microsystems supported by Image Processing?, 5th Franco-Japanese Congress & 3rd European-Asian Congress of Mechatronics, MECHATRONICS, Besancon, France, October 9-11, 2001. Ιn: “Proceedings of the Franco-Japanese Congress of Mechatronics“, Besancon (2001), pp. 355 ? 359.
- DEL MEDICO O., A. ALMANSA, D. PETROVIC, G. POPOVIC, E. CHATZITHEODORIDIS, M. AMOROSA, (2001), ?Design and Characterisation of a Gripper with optical Sensor?, Proceedings of the 12th Micromechanics Europe Workshop MME 2001, Cork, Ireland, September 16th-18th, 2001, pp. 19-22.
- PETROVIC D., E. CHATZITHEODORIDIS, G. POPOVIC, O. DEL MEDICO, A. ALMANSA, W. BRENNER, H. DETTER, R. MARTINS, E. FORTUNATO, (2001), ?Design of Mechanical Grippers for Assembly of Microparts?, Associazione Italiana per l?Analisi delle Sollecitazioni, AIAS 2001, Sardinia, Italy, 12-15 Sept. 2001. Ιn: “XXX Convegno Nazionale dell?Associazione Italiana per l?Analisi delle Sollecitazioni“, (2001), pp. 1369 ? 1373.
- POPOVIC G., E. CHATZITHEODORIDIS, H. DETTER, W. BRENNER, (2001), ?From microstructures to microsystems ? results of a joint European project?, Proceedings of InterPACK ?01: The PACIFIC RIM/International, Intersociety, Electronic Packaging Technical/Business Conference & Exhibition, July 8-13, 2001, Kauai, Hawaii, USA. in: “Proceedings of InterPACK ?01”, (2001), ISBN: 0-7918-3530-8; abstract Nr. 15672, pp. 1-5.
- POPOVIC G., E. CHATZITHEODORIDIS, W. BRENNER, H. DETTER, D. PETROVIC, (2001), ?Education and training methods in MEMS crossing national borders?, Proceedings of InterPACK ?01: The PACIFIC RIM/International, Intersociety, Electronic Packaging Technical/Business Conference & Exhibition, July 8-13, 2001, Kauai, Hawaii, USA. in: “Proceedings of InterPACK ?01”, (2001), ISBN: 0-7918-3530-8; abstract Nr. 15648, pp. 1-6.
- CHATZITHEODORIDIS E., D. PETROVIC, A. ALMANSA, O. DEL MEDICO, G. POPOVIC, H. DETTER, (2001), ?A semi-automatic, modular microassembly station assisted by image processing?, in International MEMS Workshop 2001, 4-6 July 2001, Singapore; iMEMS 2001 Proceedings, pp. 587-594.
- POPOVIC G., E. CHATZITHEODORIDIS, W. BRENNER, H. DETTER, ?Handling and Assembly in MST ? Results of the European HAFAM Network?, in Proceedings of iMEMS 2001, Singapore, 4-6 July 2001, F. Tay Eng Hock et al. (ed.); (2001), ISBN: 981-04-4165-7, pp. 595-602.
- POPOVIC G., E. CHATZITHEODORIDIS, W. BRENNER, D. PETROVIC, A. VUJANIC, H. DETTER, ?Assembly of Micromechanical Components ? European Network?, in Proceedings of the Symposium of MEMS/MOEMS, Cannes Mandelieu, Cote d?Azur, France, 25-27 April 2001, pp. 522-527. in: “Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS 2001”, B. Courtois, J. Karam, S. Levitan, K. Markus, A. Tay, J. Walker et al. (ed.); SPIE- The International Society for Optical Engineering, 4408 (2001), ISBN: 0-8194-4109-0; pp. 522 – 527.
- CHATZITHEODORIDIS E., G. POPOVIC, W. BRENNER, and H. DETTER, (2000), “Handling and assembly of functionally adapted microcomponents”, Proc. 22nd International Conference on Microelectronics (MIEL 2000), vol. 2, Ni?, Serbia, 14-17 May, 2000, pp. 577-580.
- BRENNER W., G. HADDAD, D. PETROVIC, G. POPOVIC, E. CHATZITHEODORIDIS, VUJANIC A., (2000), ?Test Devices for Rotating Microactuators?. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery (ISROMAC?8), Han, J.-Ch. (ed.). Organized by the Pacific Center of Thermal-Fluids Engineering, USA and Texas A&M University- Mechanical Engineering Department, USA, 26-30 March 2000, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. ISBN #0-9652469-9-X, Volume 2, pp. 1073-1078.
- BRENNER W., G. HADDAD, G. POPOVIC, A. VUJANIC, E. CHATZITHEODORIDIS, R. DUFFAIT, P. WURMSDOBLER, (1999), “Principles of torque measurement for rotating microsystems”, In: CISM Courses and Lectures No. 406, pp.721-728, E. Kuljanic (Editor), Springer Verlag 1999. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Systems (AMST ?99), Udine 3-4 June 1999.
- JAKOVLJEVIC M., D. PETROVIC, W. BRENNER, G. POPOVIC, E. CHATZITHEODORIDIS, A. VUJANIC, R. MARTINS, E. FORTUNATO, (1999), “Low-cost visual control for handling and assembly of microsystems”, In: CISM Courses and Lectures No. 406, pp.729-736, E. Kuljanic (Editor), Springer Verlag 1999. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Systems (AMST ?99), Udine 3-4 June 1999.
- BRENER W., D. PETROVIC, E. CHATZITHEODORIDIS, G. POPOVIC, G. HADDAD, C. KUKLA, A. VUJANIC, (1998), “A new micromanipulation system for use under SEM observation”, in the Proceedings of MICROSYSTEM Technologies 98, 6th International Conference, Potsdam, Dec. 1-3, 1998, pp. 728-730.
- PETROVIC D., E. CHATZITHEODORIDIS, G. POPOVIC, G. HADDAD, W. BRENNER, A. VUJANIC, (1998), “Development of a micromanipulation system for special applications in handling of microcomponents”, 2nd International Conference on Advanced Semiconductor Devices and Microsystems (ASDAM ?98), Oct. 5-7, 1998, Smolenice Castle, Slovakia, pp. 319-322.
Handbooks, Books, Special publications & Articles
- MOHANU I., E. CHATZITHEODORIDIS, O-H. BARBU, G. NICOLESCU, M. GEORGESCU, M. ?ECL?MAN, S-C. B?RZOI, A. LUCA, R. ROBAN, (2010), ?Studiul Tehnologic Al Materialerol Constitutive Ale Picturii Murale?, pp. 77-100. In Corbii de Piatr?: studiu interdisciplinar, Dan Mohanu, Ioana Gomoiu, Elias Chatzitheodoridis, Bucure?ti, Editura UNARTE, 2010, ISBN 978-973-1922-98-0.
- GOMOIU I., E. CHATZITHEODORIDIS, (2010), ?Biodeteriorarea Si Biodeteriogenii?, pp. 141-168. In Corbii de Piatr?: studiu interdisciplinar, Dan Mohanu, Ioana Gomoiu, Elias Chatzitheodoridis, Bucure?ti, Editura UNARTE, 2010, ISBN 978-973-1922-98-0.
- CHATZITHEODORIDIS E., (2006), ?From Macro to Micro to Nano and ? back again!?, article on microtechnologies and assembly and packaging techniques published in the Engineering Today October 2006 Issue No. 28 pp. 35-38 (Publication of the Chamber of Engineers of Malta).
- CHATZITHEODORIDIS E., G. KIRIAKIDIS and I. LYON, (2002), “Chapter 13: Secondary ion mass spectrometry and its application to thin film characterisation”, in Handbook of Thin Film Materials, volume 2: Characterisation and Spectroscopy of Thin Films, H.S. Nalwa (editor), pp. 637-683. Academic Press 2002.
- CHATZITHEODORIDIS E., (1996), “SIMS micro-beam analysis and characterisation technique: Applications in Geological Sciences.”, New technologies and the use of computers in the discovery and the evaluation of mineral deposits, 23rd January 1996, Athens University, Geology Department, Athens, Greece; Special Publication of the Geology Department, University of Athens, Greece.
- KELEPERTSIS A.E. and E. CHATZITHEODORIDIS, (1989), “Dispersion halos of Mn, Pb, Zn, Ba, Cu, and Na in weathering products of the Vani area, Milos island, Greece, for geochemical exploration of manganese, barite and sulphide deposits.”, in Weathering; its products and deposits, Volume II. Products – Deposits – Geotechnics, A. Barto-Kyriakidis (Editor), Theophrastus Publications, S.A., vol. II, pp. 579-602.
Multimedia Books & Courses
- TRANSTEC IST European Project, see http://www-ttec.rs.uni-siegen.de
I have contributed to the development and publishing of an Internet Course on Applied Microtechnologies. My support was on Software development; Publishing and Project management issues (see http://www-ttec.rs.uni-siegen.de/rootcollection/start/contributors.htm). A book with a CD-ROM accompanies this Internet Course with the following details: ?Applied Microtechnology: LIGA – Laser- Micro Precision Engineering?, R. Br?ck, N. Rizvi, A. Schmidt (Editors), 284 pages, 166 pictures, Tables, CD-ROM. Published in April 2001 by Hanser Verlag, ISBN 3-446-21471-2.
- ?Introduction to Microtechnologies? – Technical University of Vienna
Teaching notes with more than 100 pages, full with up-to-date information, figures and pictures in a modern design, for the course ?Introduction to Microtechnologies?, which took place for a semester at the Technical University of Vienna.